Monday, January 7, 2013


Yesterday we were going to the beach to eat lunch when we noticed so far we have only seen one traffic light on the trip.  Even though there is a lot of intersections they do not put any traffic lights in.  So when we were just leaving our house in the car the people going all ways on the intersection were going as fast as they want and when ever they want.  So that means on a cross walk it is pretty scary (I have almost gotten killed three times)!!!  


  1. It sounds like the intersection to the entrance to Durham Market Place. That's a crazy zone! Be careful, man!

  2. Sounds crazy. Take care of yourselves!!!!!!!!

  3. Use helmet, loud whistle and the eyes in the back of your head.
    From Heidi Ely

  4. Yikes! Does sound like Durham when the students come back. Be careful - we are all counting on you all coming back in one piece!


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